Friday, December 4, 2009

rant rant rant

I wish people would quit snooping around on my facebook/twitter/blog so they can use my words and thoughts against me for their own vendettas. I wanted a blog to say what I wanted without inhibition. Guess I can't even have that. Leave me be. I didn't say anything malicious or bad about anyone, and my thoughts are mine and not the thoughts of all my friends. I've always said what I wanted to say and I never back down when I believe, truly, in something. Hate me for who I am, it doesn't bother me. Someone is gonna love me where you hate me. I'm not pretending to be someone I'm not, and I am not covering up lies that are catching up with me. Don't use me as a scapegoat cause of all that. Karma got you, I didn't.

I try to be the best friend I can be to my friends. I try to look out for ALL of them. I didn't know doing that would make me seem like a bad friend. But like my guy friend said, some friendships weren't meant to work. I'm okay with that, but don't ever say I was a bad friend. That shit really bothers me.

But tonight, I didn't get killed or hit. That's all I really care about. I don't care what's being said about what I supposedly have done and am still doing. I know I didn't do it. If you don't believe me, that's fine. Like I said, I know I am not going around doing anything. I'm just doing my job, breathing and going home.

With that little rant, I am going to bed 5 lbs lighter. I'm gonna dream of my Monster & the next time he comes home. I'm gonna dream of ways to help these battered women in ways that I was never helped. And I'm gonna dream of this $700 modeling paycheck coming to me in 2 weeks. My life is looking up when someone is trying to knock me down. But then again, isn't there always someone in life trying to take your spot? Word.

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